Global Church Information
God is often experienced in community. Here we hope to post resources from our larger community to experience God in the questions of life.
The People Called Methodists
The United Methodist Church is a global denomination with a rich history. We are also a diverse church who tries to explore our faith through Scripture, Tradition, Experience, and Reason. We recognize that every person is unique and experiences faith in unique ways. Therefore, it is a challenge to list "what we believe" concisely. As a starting place, check out these resources from the denomination on who we are and what we believe.
Feel free to explore information about the UMC specific to our work in the Wisconsin Annual Conference.
Our Path Forward
As a diverse denomination, the people called Methodists are at a cross-roads in reconciling our different theologies surrounding human sexuality and gender identity. The UMC has even made headlines about the potential of a church split. A split can only be decided upon by the governing body known as General Conference. This group of 862 delegates from around the world will come together at the rescheduled General Conference to be held Aug. 29 - Sept. 7, 2021 to vote on our path forward.
View more information on the General Conference.
Multiple plans have been submitted to the delegates of General Conference concerning our path forward.
One of the more prominent plans to come out is called the Protocol of Reconciliation and Grace through Separation.
Read the press release from the authors who drafted this protocol.
You can also view the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) as compiled by the authors of the Protocol.
The UM News Service recorded a panel discussion on January 13 with members from the team who authored the protocol. Please note the discussion does not begin until the 5 minute and 45 second mark in the video.
To read Bishop Jung's response to the Protocol, or to read a summary of the protocol and process from our pastors please see the documents on the right.