Church-wide Missions
Monthly Missions - February 2025
Parfreyville UMC
The Breadbasket is in its 28th year of providing a weekly meal to elderly, families, all ages, all abilities. During Covid, the operation had to move to drive-up delivery rather than in-house eating. After Covid, a survey was given out to recipients and most wanted to continue drive-up delivery. The local taxi service picks up the dinners for some of the people, at no charge to the person or Breadbasket. Other people drive up themselves or have a friend pick up for them. The oldest drive-through person is 97 years old. The volunteers get to know these recipients and are able to check up on them as they come through for pick up.
The Breadbasket team consists of 13 people with substitute volunteers available, especially when snowbirds are sunning in warmer climate. The team is entirely volunteers; there is no paid staff. Breadbasket is financed by donations and grants, and all donations go toward meals or products used to serve the meals.
The numbers of recipients are rising, currently running between 180-200 meals (one person=one meal) each week. Each week, the meal cost runs between $350 and $400, along with having a good supply of volunteers from the congregation. For the last meal PUMC served, we prepared meals for 200 at $1.89 per meal.
Crystal Lake UMC
Crystal Lake UMC will be collecting soup & crackers for the food pantry. We will be also collecting socks for Northcott.
Combined Warm mission
Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive 2025
From February 23 - March 16, our three WARM churches will once again be participating in The Family Radio Network’s annual Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive. The program is now in its 33rd year. Last year, 40 Waupaca area businesses, churches and schools collected $40,308 worth of hygiene and cleaning supplies. The supplies stayed in the Waupaca area as well as all monetary gifts, which will help local crisis programs purchase the additional hygiene and cleaning supplies they need when they need them. The donations of items, not covered by Wisconsin Food Share (food stamps / SNAP), make it possible for the crisis agencies to concentrate their limited financial resources on providing qualified staff, safe housing, nutritious food, education, and counseling. This year, we’ll be collecting for CAP Services, Agape Help Center and Foundations for Living. In February, each of our WARM churches will have a collection box for items purchased from the list. Monetary donations can be made by writing a check to your respective church. Include “Hygiene Drive” on the memo line. Financial donations received by TFRN are turned into gift cards which are returned to the participating agencies in the communities where they originated, to be used by those agencies to purchase supplies as needed.
Most Urgent Needs:
• Soaps: laundry, dish, soft, shower gel, 2-in-1 shampoo
• Trash bags (shelters especially need these for bedrooms)
• Diapers (sizes 3-6 and Pull-Ups)
• Deodorant (unscented)
• Wet wipes
• Toilet paper
• Paper towels
• Disposable razors
• Tampons and maxi pads